We can help you in the following ways:
- the information, advice, and support which we offer is free, confidential, and impartial
- our advice will always be based on the law
- we will always do our best to give advice that is current and accurate
- if there is something we cannot answer, we will will try to signpost you to relevant sources of information
- our advisers are trained in SEND in law and practice
What we do
We deliver information, advice and support in a range of ways, depending on how you wish to access our service, your needs and situation.
We can help you in the following ways:
- providing resources, including factsheets, 'how to' guides, videos and other information. These are available on our website.
- providing information, news of our events and regular updates through our website, newsletter, and social media channels
- signposting to other helpful websites, services, or useful sources
- offering telephone and email support through our enquiry line
- offering 1:1 advice and support though bookable appointments and surgeries
- providing face-to-face support from staff and volunteers at meetings and other events
- delivering training and information sessions and other events
- providing information, advice and support to any child or young person who has been excluded from school
We offer a variety of volunteering opportunities and accreditation through the parent champion programme.
We also offer services that improve the landscape for families and individuals navigating their personal journeys now and in the future. These services include:
- Raising awareness of the service by attending events, schools, coffee mornings and other activities.
- Providing training to local education, health and social care professionals, children, young people, and parents to increase knowledge of SEND law, guidance, local policy, issues, and participation.
- Supporting Young people to access work experience and other opportunities
We try to amplify your voice and work towards change on a local and national scale by:
- Working with local partners, including local parent and young people’s forums to inform and influence policy and practice in the local area.
- Working within Coram Family and Childcare Trust’s Parent Champions National Network to share best-practice, and support the delivery of the Parent Champions programme, raising awareness of support and services for families affected by SEND.
- Engaging with the Information, Advice and Support Services Network for Sendias Services (the IASSN), which operates nationally and with the regional network for the south west (SWRIASSN).
- Participating in regional and national strategic planning and training which informs service development.